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The Mohit's charm part 3

The drive home was a blur for Mohit. The kiss with Mr. Kapoor weighed heavily on his mind. He knew he needed to tell Riya, but he feared how she would react

Mohit went directly into the bedroom, his heartbeats fast, his mind a mix of confusion and guilt. He still felt the taste of Mr. Kapoor's lips and couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal-not just to Riya but to himself. while Riya was working in the kitchen. When she eventually walked in, She found Mohit still draped in the saree, sitting in the bedroom with tears sliding down his cheeks.

"Hey, what happened? Why is my princess crying?" she asked gently, sitting beside him and brushing away his tears. "You said you were going to celebrate."

Mohit looked at her, his eyes filled with regret. "I'm really sorry, Riya. I messed up again."

Riya's concern deepened. "What do you mean, messed up? What happened? Tell me."

Mohit took a shaky breath. "Mr. Kapoor kissed me again."

Riya's expression shifted to one of protective concern. "Did he force you?"

"No," Mohit replied, shaking his head. "I just... I let it happen. while we were dancing after a few drinks. I'm so sorry, Riya. I hurt you." Tears streamed down his face.

Riya wrapped her arms around him, holding him close. "It's okay, Mohit. It's natural, Stop crying first." 

Mohit continued to sob. "I'm very sorry, Riya. I hurt you."

Riya gently lifted his face to look into his eyes. "Who says you hurt me, Mohit? You didn't hurt me. Stop crying. Even I'm pleased with your honesty."

"But it's my fault," Mohit sobbed.

"Mohit, now you are hurting me with all those tears," Riya said, her voice tender but firm. "I can't see my beautiful wife crying, it's too painful for me."

Mohit tried to compose himself, sniffling as he looked down. "I just... I feel so guilty."

Riya cupped his face in her hands, her touch gentle and reassuring. "Listen to me, Mohit. We all make mistakes. What's important is that you told me the truth. We will get through this together, like we always do."

Mohit nodded, feeling the weight of his guilt lifting slightly. "Thank you, Riya. I don't deserve you."

Riya smiled, kissing his forehead. "You deserve all the love and support, my dear. Now, let's get you out of this saree and into something comfortable. We'll talk more if you need to, but for now, let's just be together."

As Mohit changed out of the saree, Riya stayed by his side, her presence a constant source of comfort. The evening had been difficult, but their bond remained unbroken, stronger than any challenge they faced.

Mohit felt a wave of relief and admiration wash over him. He hugged Riya tightly, realizing how understanding and strong his wife was. "I didn't realize how understanding you are, Riya."

Riya returned the hug, whispering softly, "We are a team, Mohit. We will always face everything together."

Mohit pulled back slightly, looking into her eyes with determination. "I am going to tell him my real identity tomorrow."

Riya smiled reassuringly. "Do what you feel is right, Mohit. I'm always with you."

The next morning, Riya helped Mohit dress up as Mohini again. She chose a red sleeveless blouse and a red saree for him. Mohit noticed her choices.

"Why are you dressing me as hot as possible?" he asked.

Riya smiled warmly. "I'm not making you hot. You are already hot."

Mohit managed a small smile, appreciating her attempt to lighten the mood. With Riya's encouragement, he felt a renewed sense of purpose as he headed to the office.

After finishing his usual checks, Mohini went directly to Mr. Kapoor's cabin.

"Mr. Kapoor, I need to talk to you," Mohini said, her voice steady.

Sensing that Mohini might be angry about the previous night, Mr. Kapoor quickly apologized. "I'm really sorry, Mohini. It's my mistake. I was under the influence of alcohol. "Please don't leave us. Our company still needs you."

Mohini took a deep breath. "It's something else."

Mr. Kapoor looked confused but relieved that she wasn't furious. "Yes, but please assure me that you forgive me for last night."

Mohini nodded. "I forgive you, but there's something important I need to tell you. I'm not a real woman."

Mr. Kapoor's face registered shock, struggling to process the revelation. "What do you mean?, you're actually a man?"

Mohini nodded. "Yes, I'm Mohit, Riya's husband." I understand this is hard to believe. But I had to tell you the truth."

Mr. Kapoor's expression shifted from disbelief to heartbreak as he realized that the crush of his life... is actually a man.

Mohini looked at him with sympathy. "I'm sorry for deceiving you, Mr. Kapoor. but as a jobless guy, I had no options, so I had joined you as Mohini, but I worked honestly, and when you asked for help, I couldn't refuse. I wanted to repay you for the opportunities you gave me."

Mr. Kapoor sighed deeply, trying to process the revelation. "This is a lot to process," he murmured. "But I understand that you're doing this for me. You had a stable life and career, yet you returned to help me as Mohini. I owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude.

Then Mr. Kapoor, trying to cope with the shock, asked, "Mohit, can you please continue working as Mohini till we finish this project and achieve our goal? It's challenging to explain everything to everyone at the moment."

Mohit sensed Mr. Kapoor's heartbreak "Of course, Mr. Kapoor. I'll continue as Mohini until we reach our goal," replied softly, empathizing with the complexities of the situation.

Mr. Kapoor looks with gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, Mohit. After we achieve our goal, I'll help you secure a job in management. You're more than capable of handling that."

Mohini returned home that evening, her steps lighter with the sense of relief. She found Riya waiting for her, as usual. Riya immediately noticed the change in her demeanor.

"What happened, Mohini? You look happier today," Riya said, embracing her.

Mohini recounted the entire conversation with Mr. Kapoor. "He knows the truth now, and he even promised to help me get a management job once we've achieved our target."

Riya hugged him tightly, her eyes shining with pride. "I'm so proud of you, Mohit. You'll reach your target soon, I know it."

From that day forward, they focused on the company's progress. In public, Mr. Kapoor addressed Mohit as 'Mohini,' but in private, he referred to him by his true name, 'Mohit.'

Deep down, Mohit felt a pang of guilt knowing he had inadvertently caused Mr. Kapoor's heartache.

One evening in the bedroom, Mohit had just finished his household chores and was preparing for bed, wearing a delicate nightgown. As he stood before the mirror, brushing his hair, Riya's approach him. Her arms wrapped around his waist, and she rested her head on his shoulder.

Mohit turned to face her, a mix of desire and uncertainty in his eyes. Riya's lips met his in a gentle kiss that quickly grew more passionate. Her hands moved over his body, untying the knot of his nightgown and letting it fall to the floor. Mohit shivered as her fingers traced patterns over his skin, her touch sending waves of pleasure through him.

Guiding him to the bed, Riya began to explore his body with her lips and hands. She kissed along his neck, his shoulders, and his chest, each touch making Mohit tremble with anticipation. He closed his eyes, biting his lip as he reveled in the sensations.

"You're so beautiful, Mohini," Riya murmured between kisses. Mohit could only moan in response, his voice trembling with pleasure.

Riya's kisses trailed lower, and she reached to his bra. With deft fingers, she opened it, revealing his fatty nipples. She leaned down, taking one boobs into her mouth and sucking gently, her tongue flicking over the sensitive skin. Mohit gasped, his hands tangling in her hair as he felt a rush of pleasure shoot through him.

"Riya, please," he moaned, his body arching towards her. The sensation of her mouth on his nipple drove him wild, each suck and flick of her tongue sending waves of desire through him.

Riya smiled against his skin, continuing to suckle his breast while her hand moved to caress his other nipple. "You like that, don't you?" she whispered, her breath hot against his skin.

"Yes, oh God, yes," Mohit moaned, his voice trembling. He could barely think, lost in the pleasure of Riya's touch.

As Riya's kisses trailed lower, Mohit's breathing grew heavier. She reached his waist, her fingers deftly removing his panties. Mohit gasped, his eyes still closed, lost in the moment. But suddenly, he felt something unexpected-Riya's finger gently probing at his asshole.

His eyes flew open, a gasp of shock escaping his lips. "Riya, what are you-" he began, but Riya placed a finger over his lips, silencing him.

"Shh, trust me," she whispered, her voice filled with a strange mixture of authority and tenderness. "Tonight, I'll make love to the woman in you."

Riya reached for a small bottle of lubricant on the nightstand and squeezed some onto her fingers. She applied it gently, spreading it around his entrance. Mohit tensed at the cool sensation, but Riya's soothing voice calmed him.

"You'll like this, I promise," she said, her voice low and reassuring. She gave his ass a playful slap, making Mohit gasp again, but this time, he felt a twinge of excitement mingling with his apprehension.

With the lubricant now in place, Riya resumed her gentle probing. This time, the sensation was smoother, less jarring. Mohit took a deep breath, willing himself to relax. As Riya's finger slipped inside him, gently, As the initial shock wore off, Mohit began to relax, his breathing evening out.

"Just breathe, Mohini," Riya murmured, her free hand stroking his back soothingly. "Trust me."

Mohit nodded, his body slowly relaxing under her touch. Riya moved her finger in a slow, rhythmic motion, allowing him to adjust to the sensation. With each movement, Mohit felt his initial discomfort ebb away, replaced by a growing sense of pleasure.

"You're doing so well," Riya praised, her voice filled with warmth. "Just let go and enjoy it."

Mohit moaned softly, his body responding to Riya's touch despite his initial apprehension. He felt a rush of pleasure as Riya's finger moved inside him, exploring him in ways he had never imagined.

"Just relax, Mohini," she whispered. "Let me show you how good it can feel."

The combination of her kisses and her touch sent waves of pleasure through him, building to an almost unbearable peak.

"Riya," he moaned, his voice a mix of pleasure and disbelief.

"Do you like it?" Riya asked, her eyes meeting his with a look of pure desire.

"I... I didn't think I would," Mohit admitted, his voice shaking. "But it feels... amazing."

Riya smiled, her hand moving more confidently now. "I knew you'd enjoy it," she said, her tone filled with satisfaction. "You just need to trust me."

Mohit nodded, his body relaxing completely under Riya's touch. He closed his eyes again, losing himself in the sensations. Riya's finger moved rhythmically, and Mohit's moans grew louder, his body trembling with pleasure.

As the intensity built, Riya leaned in, her lips capturing his in a passionate kiss. Mohit responded eagerly, his hands tangling in her hair. The sensation of her finger inside him, combined with the heat of her kiss, drove him wild with desire.

"Riya, please," he moaned, his voice desperate. "I need you."

Riya pulled back slightly, looking into his eyes. 

"I'm here, Mohini," she whispered. "Just let go."

With those words, Mohit felt himself surrender completely to the moment. His body arched against Riya's, his moans filling the room as he reached the peak of pleasure. Riya's finger moved faster, her other hand stroking his cock, driving him to the edge.

"More, Riya, please," Mohit gasped, his voice a desperate plea for more sensation.

Riya smirked, adding another finger, stretching him further. Mohit screamed in pleasure, his back arching off the bed. "Oh God, Riya, yes!" he cried out, his body shaking with the intensity of it all.

Riya kissed him deeply, swallowing his moans as she worked her fingers inside him, her other hand never ceasing its rhythmic stroking. "You're so tight, Mohini," she murmured against his lips. "But you're taking it so well."

Mohit's moans turned into screams of pleasure, his hands clutching the sheets as he felt himself nearing the edge. "Riya, I'm going to... I can't... oh, Riya!" he cried out, his entire body convulsing as he came hard, his release spilling over Riya's hand.

Panting and spent, Mohit lay back on the bed, his body trembling from the intensity of his orgasm. Riya withdrew her fingers gently, her lips still trailing kisses over his skin. "How was it?" she asked softly, her eyes filled with love and concern.

"To be honest, I didn't think you had such a big tool," Mohit said, a blush spreading across his cheeks. "I didn't think I could handle it when you fully pushed that inside me."

Riya chuckled, leaning in to kiss him gently. "You did wonderfully," she said. "And I'm glad you trusted me."

Mohit smiled, his body relaxing completely. "Thank you, Riya," he whispered. "Now it's my turn to give you some pleasure." He began to remove her underwear, but Riya stopped him, her eyes serious yet tender.

"First, you should answer some of my questions honestly," Riya said softly.

Mohit looked at her, confused. "What do you want to know?"

Riya took a deep breath. "Did you like that kiss with Mr. Kapoor?"

Mohit avoided the question, but Riya asked again, her voice gentle yet insistent. He finally said, "I don't know what to feel, Riya. Part of me is drawn to Mr. Kapoor, but another part of me feels guilty for even considering it. I didn't want to damage our marriage."

Riya caressed his cheek, looking into his eyes. "It's okay to have mixed feelings, Mohit. But you need to listen to your heart and share your feelings with me honestly."

Mohit nodded, but still hesitated. "I just don't want to hurt anyone, especially you."

Riya smiled reassuringly. "Who says that it hurts me? In fact, I think you should explore your femininity with Mr. Kapoor, as you only have a few months left to work as Mohini."

Mohit was shocked. "You want me to be someone else's girlfriend?" Riya smiled gently. "I believe that a part of Mohini still loves her life with Mr. Kapoor. I'm just giving you the freedom to explore those feelings. Enjoy your femininity while you're in the role of Mohini."

Mohit asked, "While I'm feeling guilty for that, you didn't even feel hurt that your husband kissed someone else?"

Riya sighed softly, looking at him with loving eyes. "Okay, listen. You'll be with him as Mohini, not as Mohit. So, my husband didn't betray me."

Mohit looked surprised. "Really? And it doesn't affect you?"

Riya smiled gently. "I would feel heartbroken if you had a relationship with another woman, but with Mr. Kapoor, it's totally different." Mohit frowned, still puzzled. "How is it different?"

Riya took a deep breath. "Because I don't see Mr. Kapoor as my competitor. He can't steal you from me, and he didn't replace me in your life. It's natural for me to not feel jealous of him. You and I, we share something deeper than any physical interaction."

Mohit looked at her, understanding dawning. "Oh, that's why you reacted so calmly that day."

Riya gave him a reassuring smile. "Whatever decision you make, we'll face it together. Your happiness is what matters most to me."

Mohit nodded, feeling reassured. "Thanks for understanding and supporting me, Riya."

Feeling overwhelmed by Riya's unwavering support, Mohit wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "You're incredible, Riya. I don't know what I did to deserve you."

Riya smiled tenderly, her hand gently caressing his back. "You don't have to do anything, Mohit. I love you just the way you are, and I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

With Riya's blessing, Mohit allowed himself to grow closer to Mr. Kapoor. As Mohini and Mr. Kapoor continued their hard work, they secured more projects and improved the company's financial health. The transformation was remarkable, and their efforts did not go unnoticed.

A few days later, Mr. Kapoor found Mohini in his cabin after a hectic day at the office.

"Mohit, Can I say something,?" Mr. Kapoor ask hesitantly.

Mohit replied, "I liked if you call me Mohini."

Mr. Kapoor smiled and said, "Even after finding out you're a boy, my attraction towards you hasn't diminished. It's as strong as the first day," Mr. Kapoor confessed.

Mohini blushed, not expecting such a declaration. "I don't know what to say."

Mr. Kapoor took a step closer. "I think I still love you, and you'll always be a girl to me, Mohini."

Mohini didn't have words. "Why do you love me after knowing that I'm not a woman?"

Mr. Kapoor smiled softly. "I'm in love with your intelligence, your ability to find solutions even in tough situations. Irrespective of your gender, I'm in love with your personality and the charm you carry."

Feeling a mix of emotions, Mohini gathered her courage. She moved closer and kissed him directly on the lips.

Mr. Kapoor couldn't hold back his feelings any longer. He wrapped his arms around Mohini's waist, pulling her close and kissing her eagerly.

After five minutes of passionate smooching, Mr. Kapoor pulled back slightly, breathless. "Would you like to come to my place for dinner? I'll cook for you."

Mohini looked down, blushing deeply. She nodded, unable to find her voice due to the overwhelming emotions.

Later that evening, when Mohit returned home, he shared everything with Riya. "Riya, Mr. Kapoor... he kissed me. He said he loves me for who I am, regardless of my gender."

Riya listened intently, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Mohit, I've always known that our situation was unique. If you feel something for Mr. Kapoor, you should explore it. Love and relationships can take many forms, and I want you to be happy."

Mohit looked at Riya, amazed by her understanding and support. "Are you sure, Riya? This could change everything."

Riya smiled warmly. "I'm sure. Our bond is strong enough to withstand this. If this is something you need to do, I support you completely."

With Riya's approval, Mohini started hinting to

wards Mr. Kapoor. Their relationship blossomed, built on mutual respect and admiration. And as Mohit continued to navigate his dual roles, he did so with a sense of freedom and authenticity, confident in the love and support of both Riya and Mr. Kapoor.


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