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Jasveer Singh, the only son of a prominent zamindar in Punjab, had recently moved to Delhi to pursue his graduation. With dreams of a bright future and the weight of his family’s expectations on his shoulders, he settled into a PG room in a newly developed society, just a few kilometres from his college.

On the first day of college, Jasveer meets with Rohit, a local boy who had also enrolled in the same branch of studies. Rohit, with his easygoing nature and quick smile, introduced himself. "Hi, I’m Rohit. I’m from Delhi. I live a few kilometres away from our college."

Rohit’s home was modest, a small house he shared with his mother. Rohit explained that his father had passed away years ago, leaving his mother to raise him alone. She worked as female security in a private manufacturing company, dedicating her life to ensuring Rohit had a good upbringing.

When they realised that they lived a few metres away from each other, they began to go to college together, discussing their courses, ambitions, and the challenges of city life. This routine soon became a reason to solidify their friendship.

As weeks turned into months, the bond between Jasveer and Rohit grew stronger. They were inseparable, often spending time at each other’s places, sharing meals, studying late into the night, and supporting each other through the ups and downs of college life. For Jasveer, Rohit’s home became a second home, a place where he found warmth and a sense of belonging in the unfamiliar city.

Rohit's mother, a kind and nurturing woman, welcomed Jasveer with open arms. She often remarked how much Rohit had changed since meeting Jasveer, noting the positive influence they had on each other.

It was October 31, 1984, a date that would be etched in Jasveer's memory forever. At 11 a.m., Jasveer headed to the market to buy some groceries, unaware of the storm that was about to engulf the city. As he walked through the bustling streets, he sensed an unusual tension in the air. People were whispering, eyes darting around nervously.

Suddenly, a wave of chaos erupted. Jasveer barely had time to process the scene unfolding before him. A mob of 100 to 200 people, armed with sticks, knives, swords, and other weapons, surged through the market, targeting anyone wearing a turban. The screams of terror and the sight of men being mercilessly attacked and killed like vegetables being chopped left Jasveer paralyzed with fear.

As the horror around him intensified, Jasveer felt himself on the verge of fainting. Just then, Rohit appeared out of nowhere, a black cloth clutched in his hand. Rohit grabbed Jasveer and pulled him into a narrow corridor between two shops. Jasveer was too shocked to resist.

"Stay still," Rohit whispered urgently as he tore open the packet, revealing a burka inside. Within a few seconds, he put the burka on him, slipping it over his head. It covered him from head to toe, concealing his identity. Jasveer, still in a daze, barely registered what was happening. His mind was numb with fear and confusion.

As Rohit had transformed Jasveer’s appearance. "Come on," he urged, leading him out of the corridor. Jasveer, now disguised as a woman, clung to Rohit as they made their way to Rohit's bicycle. Rohit helped Jasveer sit on the cycle side vise, positioning him like a lady , and then pedalled furiously towards home.

As they sped through the streets, the scenes of destruction were everywhere. Blood stained the roads, bodies lay strewn on the sidewalks, and fires raged, consuming shops and homes alike. The smell of smoke and the cries of despair filled the air, painting a picture of sheer horror and brutality.

When they finally reached Rohit's house, the urgency of their escape hadn't diminished. In their haste, as they rushed through the front door, the burka slipped, briefly exposing Jasveer’s turbaned head. A woman in a nearby window caught sight of the Sikh boy entering Rohit's house.

Rohit quickly readjusted the burka and ushered Jasveer inside, bolting the door behind them. Panting heavily, they leaned against the door, trying to catch their breath.

Rohit’s mother, sensing something was wrong, hurried over. "What happened?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

"Mom, we need to hide Jasveer," Rohit said, his voice trembling. "The riots have started. They’re targeting Sikhs. We have to protect him."

Realising the gravity of the situation, Rohit’s mother nodded. "Come with me," she said, guiding them to an inner room at the back of the house. 

As they settled in, Rohit narrated the entire ordeal to his mother, Sunita, while Jasveer, still in shock, sat trembling in a corner. Sunita handed Jasveer a glass of water, her eyes filled with concern. She pulled him into a comforting hug, feeling the weight of the fear he carried.

Jasveer finally began to process the enormity of what had just happened. He looked at Rohit and his mother, his eyes filled with gratitude and fear. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice breaking. 

"We're in this together, Jasveer," Sunita Aunty replied firmly. "We'll keep you safe. No matter what."

"Did anyone see you bring Jasveer here?" Sunita asked, her voice tense with worry.

Rohit nodded reluctantly. "Yes, his burka slipped off just outside our home. Someone might have seen."

Sunita's face grew pale. "That means Jasveer is not safe yet. We are in the middle of all strong Indira Gandhi supporters. Anyone could be dangerous."

A sudden knock on the door made them all jump. It was a neighbour woman, peering through the crack in the door with suspicion. "Who did you bring home, Sunita? I saw someone come in."

Sunita kept her composure. "Oh, you must be mistaken. We didn't bring anyone home," she said, managing a calm smile.

The woman squinted, clearly not convinced, but after a few moments, she left, muttering under her breath. As soon as the door was closed, Sunita's fear surged. "We have to do something quickly before someone else comes to inquire again."

She turned to Rohit. "Who gave you the idea of the burka?"

Rohit explained, "I went to Jasveer's PG room to find him, but he was already at the market. On my way back to our home, I heard about the riots and the killings of Sikhs. I rushed to the market to find him. The burka was just hanging at the back of a house, and I took it in desperation."

Sunita sighed, a mixture of relief and admiration in her eyes. "You didn't know it, but you had a brilliant idea in the midst of all this chaos. But now, we need to take it a step further. We must transform Jasveer into a woman completely. He must become Jiya. But we can't make him wear a burka here, as we are Hindus."

Jasveer and Rohit both nodded in agreement. Time was of the essence, and they couldn't afford to delay.

Without hesitation, they began Jasveer's transformation. Despite his slim and fair body, his chest showed a subtle softness, as he had natural fat around his chest and butt. His small beard and long hair hidden under the turban made the task somewhat easier. Rohit carefully shaved Jasveer's face, removing any trace of his beard, as it was shaved for the first time, his skin emerged very smooth and fair.

Meanwhile, Sunita untied his turban, letting his long hair fall free. "Let's tie your hair into neat braids, like a lady," Sunita said gently. She brushed his hair and styled it into a braid, adding a few bobby pins to secure it. His face, combined with his long hair, looked so feminine that no one believed he was a boy.

Jasveer looked at his reflection, barely recognizing himself. The fear and uncertainty in his eyes were replaced by a steely determination. "Will this work?" he asked, his voice shaky but hopeful.

Sunita looked at Jasveer with a calm determination. "It will work, Jiya. We will make sure of it. You will be safe here." she said. "First, let's get you into some appropriate clothes."

She handed Jasveer a petticoat and an old blouse of hers. To everyone's surprise, the blouse fit him perfectly. Sunita then tucked some extra clothes into the blouse to give his body much required curves and more feminine shape. She draped a saree around him with meticulous care, making sure it was perfectly arranged.

Next, Sunita adorned Jasveer with bangles, their soft clinking adding to his new identity. She noticed Jasveer's pierced ears and took advantage of it, making him wear a pair of her old earrings. She added anklets that jingled softly as he moved. Then she completed the look with the finishing touches, a bindi on his forehead, and applied a light touch of lipstick to his lips.

As Jasveer stood there, now Jiya, Sunita and Rohit stepped back to admire their work. He looked convincingly like a young woman. The transformation was complete, but the real challenge was just beginning. They needed to keep up the pretense, ensuring that Jasveer remained hidden and safe from the horrors that lurked just outside their door.

Sunita explained her plan. "Rohit, from now on, you and Jiya have had a love marriage, and you brought her here secretly after running away."

Both Rohit and Jasveer nodded in agreement, understanding the necessity of the ruse.

To solidify the disguise, Sunita took a small box of sindur and carefully applied it along the parting of Jasveer's hair. She then placed her old mangalsutra around his neck, the symbol of a married woman. Finally, she covered his face with the veil of her saree's pallu, ensuring it draped down to his painted lips.

Jasveer stood before them, now fully transformed into Jiya. His fair and slim body, combined with the veil that covered his face almost entirely, left no trace of his former identity. He looked exactly like a married woman, blending seamlessly into the role he needed to play for survival.

Sunita stepped back, satisfied with their work. "Remember, Jiya, Here it's normal for women to cover their faces with a pallu after marriage. This will help protect your identity."

Jasveer, now Jiya, nodded, his eyes showing a mix of gratitude and determination. The transformation was complete, and the real challenge of maintaining this facade for his safety had just begun.

As expected, the neighbour woman returned, this time accompanied by five to eight men, all eager to uncover the secret they believed was hidden inside Sunita's house. Their faces were stern, and their intentions clear as they approached the door.

"We know you're hiding someone," one of the men demanded. "Let us in to search the house."

Sunita stood her ground, her heart pounding. "There's no need for that," she said firmly. "I'll tell you the truth."

The men hesitated, waiting for her explanation.

Sunita took a deep breath. "It's my son's mistake. He ran away with a girl he's been in love with since his school days."

The men exchanged doubtful glances but didn't move. Sunita turned towards the inner room. "Jiya, come out, please."

Jiya emerged slowly, taking small, hesitant steps. His face was mostly covered by the veil, with only his painted lips and fair chin visible. His slim frame, adorned in the saree, gave no hint of his true identity.

As Jasveer saw those men through the veil, he was shocked to find that the man leading the mob was none other than his PG landlord.

The men looked at Jiya closely, but his appearance, combined with the veil that concealed his features, convinced them. One by one, they started to nod, accepting Sunita's story. The tension began to ease as they believed they were indeed looking at Rohit's wife.

"Looks like she is his wife," one of the men said, turning to the neighbor woman. "You gave us false information."

The neighbor woman, feeling embarrassed, muttered, "I thought I saw something. My mistake."

But she wasn't ready to let it go completely. As the group began to leave, she turned back to Sunita. "If the marriage is already done, then when are you celebrating the first rasoi of the new bride?"

Sunita, thinking quickly, replied, "We planned a small ritual for tomorrow, just among a few people. We'll have a big celebration once these riots have cooled down."

The neighbour woman nodded, though her eyes still held a glint of suspicion. "I'll be sure to keep an eye out," she said, her voice dripping with a veiled threat.

After everyone left, Sunita quickly closed the door. She turned to Jiya and Rohit, her face a mixture of relief and determination. "We have to be extremely careful," she said firmly.

Jiya and Rohit nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Sunita, Rohit, and Jiya sat in the hall, tension still lingering in the air. Sunita broke the silence. "We can't take any risks now," she reiterated.

She turned to Jiya and called, "Jiya, listen."

Jasveer, still adjusting to his new identity, didn't respond immediately. Sunita repeated, "Jasveer."

He looked up, startled. "Yes?"

Sunita took a deep breath. "Forget you are Jasveer. You must fully embrace the role of Jiya. We can't afford any mistakes. You have to live just like a newlywed bride. Cover your face under the veil whenever you are out of your bedroom and don't talk to anyone except us."

Jiya, still in disguise, nodded. "I understand," he whispered. "I'll do whatever it takes to stay safe."

After dinner, Rohit and Jiya went to their shared bedroom. As Jiya sat on the bed, trying to focus on Sunita aunty's plan, his mind kept returning to the looming threat outside.

"Rohit, how can we be sure no one will find out?" Jasveer's voice trembled with anxiety. "Anyone could inform us, and then not just me, but you and aunty could be assassinated."

Rohit couldn't take his eyes off Jasveer, who looked like a diva dressed as a newlywed bride. Seeing that Jasveer was spiralling into panic, Rohit took a chance to move. He grabbed Jasveer by the shoulders and kissed him on the lips. The suddenness of the kiss left Jasveer stunned, momentarily silencing his fears.

Jasveer pushed him back, eyes wide with shock. "Hey, this is disgusting!"

Rohit held his gaze, his expression serious but gentle. "I know, Jasveer. But it got your mind off the riots, didn't it?"

Jasveer blinked, processing what had just happened. Slowly, he realized that Rohit's unorthodox tactic had indeed jolted him out of his anxious thoughts. "You... you did that just to distract me?"

Rohit nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yes. Sometimes, a shock is what we need to break free from our fears. You're safe here, Jasveer. I promise."

Jasveer took a deep breath, the tension in his body slowly easing. "Okay, Rohit. I'll try to trust you."

Rohit squeezed his shoulder reassuringly. "Good. We're in this together. We'll get through it."

The room felt lighter as Jasveer's fear began to dissipate, replaced by a renewed sense of trust and camaraderie. Despite the bizarre circumstances, he felt a little more secure, knowing that Rohit would do whatever it took to keep him safe.

The next morning, Sunita woke Jiya early while Rohit was still sleeping. She led him to the bathroom and asked him bathe, ensuring he looked every bit the part of a bride. Sunita then dressed him in another saree, adjusting it with care.

In the kitchen, Sunita began teaching Jiya how to cook something simple yet significant for the ritual. The sweet aroma of halva filled the air as Jiya stirred the pot, his bangles creating a musical accompaniment. His movements were tentative at first, but under Sunita's guidance, he grew more confident.

When Rohit woke up and entered the kitchen, he was taken aback by Jiya's transformation. Jiya, now looking even more convincing as a bride, was focused on cooking. The sight of him in the kitchen, his bangles clinking softly, made the situation feel surreal.

As the first rays of sunlight began to filter into the house, they prepared to welcome the neighbors for the first rasoi. Jiya's transformation was nearly complete, but the challenges of maintaining this facade had only just begun.

Sunita left for some work, leaving Rohit with clear instructions. "Always stay near Jiya. We can't let our guard down for a moment."

Rohit nodded, determined to protect his friend. He watched as Jiya continued to cook, marveling at how convincingly he played his role.

As the morning progressed, a group of neighbouring women arrived, their faces filled with anticipation. They eagerly sampled the halva, nodding in approval at Jiya's cooking skills. They showered Jiya with small gifts and blessings, their eyes filled with curiosity and kindness.

Rohit noticed that some women continued to keep a close watch on their house, their curiosity about Jiya only growing stronger.

Jiya, staying true to Sunita's instructions, remained under the veil at all times, offering polite nods, smiles, and the occasional "ji" and "hanji" in response to their questions and blessings.

After exchanging pleasantries and enjoying the morning ritual, the neighbor women bid farewell and left, their minds temporarily satisfied with the glimpse they had of Rohit's new bride. Yet, the lingering suspicion in their eyes hinted that their inquiries might not end here.

As the last of the neighbor women departed, Rohit couldn't resist the urge to express his relief and gratitude to Jiya. Quietly stepping into the kitchen, he approached Jiya, who looked so naturally beautiful while covering his head under the veil, still busy with the rearrangement and cleaning of the kitchen.

Unable to contain his emotions, Rohit wrapped his arms around Jiya from behind, pulling him close in a tender embrace. He planted a gentle kiss on Jiya's cheek, a silent gesture of reassurance and affection.

However, their moment of intimacy was interrupted by the unexpected return of one of the neighbor women. Caught off guard, she froze in the doorway, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight before her.

In that fleeting moment, when she saw Rohit's spontaneous display of affection for Jiya, a dawning clarity came over the neighbor woman. She realized that her suspicions were wrong. In that brief, vital exchange, she understood that Jiya was indeed Rohit's wife, and her earlier doubts were nothing more than a misunderstanding.

Feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief, the neighbor woman offered a sheepish smile before quietly retreating, leaving Rohit and Jiya to bask in the tender moment they had shared.

Jiya angrily pushed him away. "Now you're taking advantage of my situation."

Rohit kept his expression calm. "But this worked anyway. Now those women will think that you are my real wife, and will never have any doubt about you."

Jiya paused, processing Rohit's words. "Oh, I didn't think of it that way," she said, looking impressed.

Rohit asked with a grin, "So, can I kiss you?"

With a smile on his face, Jiya showed her cheek to him, but Rohit leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips, giving her a sudden shock again. Before Jiya could react, he ran away with a smile. That kiss shocked Jiya, but this time, it did not feel as disgusting as the last night. She continued her work with a smile on her face, still feeling the taste of Rohit's kiss on her lips.

It was a small victory for them as the neighbor women no longer doubted Jiya. These small moments gave Jasveer a chance to smile amid the life-threatening chaos of their reality.

As Jasveer started living as Rohit's wife, he took on more household responsibilities from Sunita aunty to keep herself busy and give aunty some rest since she was a working woman.

Meanwhile, Rohit never missed a chance to tease Jiya and feel her body. He often pinched her waist or navel, sending an unnatural shiver down her spine.

As days passed, he became more mischievous. Whenever he found Jiya alone and busy in the household, he grabbed her from behind, hugged her, and kissed her on the neck, cheeks, ear, or sometimes even on the lips.

Initially Jiya opposes him, but soon she gets used to those moments with Rohit. Unknowingly she started enjoying them.

One afternoon, as Jiya was rearranging things in the house, Rohit came up from behind and hugged her.

Rohit: You know, Jiya, you carry yourself in a saree very well. It's impressive how natural you look while working, keeping yourself under a veil (ghunghat).

Jiya (Jasveer): It's easy for you to say. But remaining under a veil (ghunghat) all day is quite challenging.

Rohit: I can only imagine. But you’ve done it with such grace.

During the conversation, Rohit moved closer, trying to kiss Jiya. Jiya gently pushed him away.

Jiya (with smile): "I can manage the saree and ghunghat more easily than your naughtiness.

As the intensity of the riots began to diminish in some parts of the city, Rohit, Jiya, and Sunita knew that their locality was still heated with hatred against Sikhs, causing fear to grip their hearts.

They made the collective decision to maintain Jiya's disguise for another 10 to 15 days, unwilling to take any chances until they were absolutely certain of his safety. Jiya, now fully immersed in his role as the newlywed bride, adapted his new identity with surprising ease. As Jiya continued to live as the newlywed bahu, he learned to wear a saree by himself, as Sunita couldn't help him daily.

Meanwhile, Rohit always found ways to touch and feel Jiya, his surprise kisses continuing as Jiya got used to it.

These unexpected movements between Jiya and Rohit led to a complex mix of emotions for both of them. Initially hesitant, but soon, her resistance to Rohit's affection became minimal. He felt a strange sense of comfort and safety in Rohit's presence.

One day, they were alone at home, seeking a respite from the chaos outside. Jasveer was in the kitchen, cooking lunch. He was dressed nicely in saree, with the pallu tucked around his waist, which made his curves appear more natural. The sound of his bangles clinking together as he rolled out chapatis filled the room.

It's the first time that Rohit sees him working without vail, he couldn't resist the sight. He came up from behind and hugged him. Startled by the sudden embrace, Jasveer turned, seeing Rohit he smiled before continuing his cooking.

Rohit leaned in, planting a soft kiss near his ear. "You look beautiful, Jiya," he whispered.

Jasveer smiled, "Thanks, Rohit." while rolling chapatis.

Rohit grinned mischievously. "Hey, I'm your husband. You shouldn't say my name as per our culture."

Catching on to Rohit's playful teasing, Jasveer went along with it. "Oh, okay, that's my mistake, dear hubby. But there are so many things you haven't done for your wife, too."

Surprised that Jasveer continued to play along, Rohit said, "Why can't you initiate it first? You start the wife's duties, then I'll do all the husband's duties."

Jasveer made an innocent expression and asked, "What wife's duties?"

Rohit replied, "What every wife does in the house."

Jasveer said, "My dear husband, are you blind? I've been doing all the duties for almost a month now."

To show him what he meant, Rohit turned Jasveer around. Without warning, he kissed Jasveer softly on the lips, unable to resist Jiya let's rohit continue. When Rohit noticed Jasveer wasn't stopping him, he kissed him even more deeply, slipping his tongue into Jasveer's mouth and sucking on his lips. Jasveer’s eyes widened in surprise, and he pushed Rohit away to stop the smooch.

Rohit asked, "Did you like that?"

Jasveer shook his head, feeling confused. "No, it was... weird."

Rohit, a bit puzzled, asked, "Then why didn’t you stop me?"

Jasveer shrugged, still trying to process his feelings. "I don’t know."

Rohit looked at him earnestly. "Can I ask you something?"

Jasveer, still thinking about the kiss, replied, "Sure, what is it?"

Feeling a mix of emotions, Rohit hesitated before speaking. "Can you let me fuck you?" His tone was sincere but uncertain.

Jasveer looked at him, shocked. "Are you serious? No way, Rohit. I'm not gay."

Rohit held him gently by the waist. "This isn't about being gay. You've been in the role of my wife for months now. Just let me take advantage of this situation, please."

Jasveer looked at him, conflicted. "Rohit, are you gone mad? You know that I'm a boy," he said.

Rohit sighed, his eyes searching Jasveer's. "I know, but right now, all I see is Jiya, my wife, the woman I've come to care about. I just want to experience this with you. I never had a girlfriend. Please, you're my only hope."

Jasveer shook his head again. "No, I said no."

Rohit got on his knees, pleading. "Please, Jasveer. I've always supported you. We're best friends. I even saved your life. I'm begging you. And you might even enjoy it. I've heard a female orgasm is better than a male's."

Jasveer took a deep breath, his mind racing. "Rohit, this is crazy. Fine, I’m giving you just one chance, but... if I ask you to stop, you have to stop immediately. Understood?"

Rohit nodded eagerly. "Okay, I promise."

Jasveer hesitated, battling with his thoughts. "Let's just see where this goes."

Filled with joy, Rohit gently lifted Jasveer, who wrapped his arms around Rohit's neck for support. Rohit carried him to the bedroom and planted a small kiss on Jasveer's forehead before laying him down on the bed.

Rohit moved to the bed and started with soft kisses on Jiya's neck. The sensation of Rohit's warm lips on his neck sent shivers down his body.

"It feels strange………. but good," Jasveer admitted.

"I told you," Rohit replied with a smile, continuing his kisses.

Rohit's lips moved to Jasveer's navel. Jasveer lay still, his body tensing with each touch from Rohit. Every sensation was a blend of pleasure and discomfort; he never imagined being in such an intimate situation with his best friend. His mind raced, trying to convince himself, but each move from Rohit made it harder to believe his own decision.

As Rohit began to undress Jasveer, unpinning his pallu, unbuttoning the blouse, and discarding the saree and petticoat, Jasveer lay on the bed in just a bra and underwear, feeling extremely shy. Rohit then began with tender kisses on his neck, his lips trailing slowly down Jasveer's body, inch by inch, while his fingers traced delicate patterns on Jasveer's bare back.

"I'm feeling too shy for this," he confessed softly as Rohit gently pressed his bra-clad chest, sending shivers down his spine. Although his mind protested, Jasveer's body began to respond. He started biting his lip as Rohit's kisses persisted, stirring a mix of confusion and arousal within him.

When Rohit's hands began to explore more intimately, he bit at Jasveer's navel. "Ouch, that hurts," he said.

"Relax, Jasveer. Allow yourself to enjoy it," Rohit urged softly.

Anxious and unsure, Jasveer wondered if it would ever end. "Should I just give him a blowjob to save my ass?" The thought flitted through his mind, adding to his sense of helplessness.

The gentle pressure of Rohit's kisses, the way his fingers traced patterns on his skin, it all felt so alien yet oddly soothing. Jasveer's body began to respond despite his mind's protests. Every kiss, every touch, blurred the lines between what he thought he was and what he was becoming.

After exploring her whole body, as Rohit moved to her lips, Jiya's heart started beating fast. Rohit began with soft kisses, then started sucking his lips. It was the first time Jiya let him suck her lips, but she didn't respond back.

Just then, the doorbell rang, interrupting their moment. "What the fuck? I was having too much fun," Rohit said, frustrated.

Jasveer couldn't help but smile, feeling a wave of relief wash over him as he realised how fortunate he was to have avoided what was about to happen. 

Meanwhile, Rohit hastily adjusted his half-open attire before answering the door. Jasveer quickly adjusted his saree, smoothing out the wrinkles, and pulled the pallu over his face into a proper ghunghat (Vail) before emerging from the bedroom.

As Rohit opened the door and greeted his mother, Sunita, she entered with a happy expression. "Good news, everyone," she announced cheerfully, "The government has assured us that the riots have completely subsided now." 

Jasveer felt a wave of relief wash over him, "I need to visit my family," he said, his voice carrying the weight of the past harrowing weeks. "It's been a tough time for them too, and they must be worried sick about me."

Sunita nodded in understanding. "You're right, Jasveer. Your family needs to see you, to know that you're safe."

"But how do I change back and leave without raising suspicion?" Jasveer asked, concerned about the neighbors and the delicate situation they still found themselves in.

Sunita pondered for a moment before suggesting, "You and Rohit should leave from here as husband and wife. We'll tell the neighbors that Rohit is going to drop Jiya at her mother's place. You can change back to Jasveer in between the journey after leaving Delhi, before you reach home."

Jasveer considered the plan and said. "It's a great idea. And after we leave, we can inform everyone that Jiya isn't coming back and the marriage is canceled."

The next day, Jasveer dressed once more as Jiya, with Sunita’s help. He wore a nicely embroidered red saree, and they completed the look with all the necessary accessories. They made their way through the neighborhood, telling inquisitive neighbors that Jiya was going to visit her family. The cover story worked perfectly, and no one suspected a thing.

Once they were far enough from the city and certain they were out of sight, Jasveer and Rohit found a secluded spot where Jasveer could change back into his own clothes. The transformation was quick and seamless. Jasveer looked at his reflection, relieved to see his true self again, yet feeling a strange sense of nostalgia for the persona of Jiya that had become a part of him.

When Jasveer arrived home, his family welcomed him with open arms and tearful smiles. The reunion was filled with joy and gratitude, a stark contrast to the fear and uncertainty that had dominated the past month. Jasveer's father, deeply appreciative of Rohit's efforts to protect his son, presented him with a small but meaningful gift.

"Thank you for saving my son's life," Jasveer's father said, his voice thick with emotion.

Rohit accepted the gift graciously and spent the night with Jasveer's family. The next day, he prepared to return to Delhi, leaving Jasveer to spend a few more weeks at home.

One evening, Jasveer sat on the roof with his mother, the cool wind blowing gently. The tension of the past month had slowly begun to lift, but the memories were still fresh.

"Ma, I was so close to losing my life that day," Jasveer began, his voice trembling slightly. "When the mob came, I was terrified. I couldn't move, couldn't think. But Rohit... he appeared out of nowhere. He pulled me to safety, risking not just his life but his mother's as well."

His mother placed a comforting hand on his arm, her eyes filled with gratitude and concern. "Waheguru bless Rohit," she murmured. "May all his wishes be fulfilled for the bravery and kindness he showed."

Jasveer nodded, a sudden realization hitting him. Rohit had an old wish of getting intimate, a favor he had even asked Jiya for just a day before Jasveer was to return to his hometown.

As he sat there, Jasveer took a deep breath. He understood the depth of Rohit's commitment and the intensity of their bond.

"Ma," he said softly, "not all wishes, but I think I can fulfill one of his wishes for sure."

His mother looked at him curiously. "What do you mean, beta?"

Jasveer smiled, a determined glint in his eye. "Rohit asked something of me before I left Delhi. At the time, I wasn't sure, but now... now I know what I need to do. When I return to Delhi, I will fulfill his wish. It's the least I can do for someone who saved my life and protected me with such courage."

His mother nodded slowly, understanding the unspoken resolve in her son's words. She pulled him into a gentle embrace, whispering a prayer for his well-being and the strength to honor his promise.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Jasveer felt ready to face whatever lay ahead. He would return to Delhi, not just to continue his studies, but to fulfill the promise he had made in his heart—to honor the friendship and sacrifice that had saved his life.

After returning to Delhi, Jasveer decided to change his PG room for a fresh start. He and Rohit continued their studies and resumed their routine of going to college together. Their bond had grown even stronger, rooted in the harrowing experience they had shared.

One Saturday, Sunita informed Rohit that she needed to visit their village for some work and would be away until Monday. Rohit saw this as an opportunity to invite Jasveer to stay over for the weekend.

That evening, as the two friends settled in, Rohit suggested, "Since Mom isn't here, how about we go out to eat at a restaurant?"

Jasveer smiled and said, "I have a better idea. Since I cook more delicious food than any restaurant, why don't you bring these ingredients, and I'll make us a wonderful dinner?" He handed Rohit a list of items.

Rohit agreed and took that list. Rohit looked at the list and realised he would have to go to the main market, which was quite far from their society. Undeterred, he hopped on his bicycle and set off, eager to bring back the ingredients.

As soon as Rohit left, Jasveer felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. He entered the room where Sunita had stored Jiya's clothes and jewellery, closing the door behind him with his heart pounding in his chest.

First, he carefully shaved off his small beard, then opened up the turban and braided his long hair. Then he slipped into a pair of delicate panties, feeling the familiar yet foreign sensation against his skin. Next, he picked up a bra and wore it comfortably as he had a lot of practice. Adjusting the straps, as the fat around his chest fit perfectly into the cups. He felt a wave of anticipation wash over him.

Jasveer then dressed in a blouse and petticoat before finding the red wedding saree he had worn before. He draped it carefully around himself, making sure everything looked perfect. He tucked in the pleats, ensuring they were perfectly aligned, and draped the pallu over his shoulder. Feeling the saree against his skin, he already began to feel feminine, a reminder of the identity he had adopted and lived for a month.

He adorned himself with matching jewellery: bangles, earrings, a necklace, and a maang tikka. The clinking of the bangles as he moved brought back memories, and he felt a strange sense of comfort. He applied light makeup, adding a touch of kajal to his eyes and a bindi on his forehead.

Jasveer looked at herself in the mirror, he saw Jiya looking back, absolutely stunning as a bride. Taking a deep breath, she was ready to present herself to Rohit as the surprise of his life.

When Rohit returned, he called out, "Jasveer, I'm back! Where are you?"

Jasveer stepped out from the room, his heart racing. the sound of her bangles and anklets echoing in the silent room.

As Rohit's eyes landed on Jasveer, they widened in shock. He saw Jiya standing before him, looking stunning in the red wedding saree. He stood frozen, the bags slipping from his hands. "Jasveer... I mean, Jiya, what a pleasant surprise, you look amazing." Rohit managed to say, his voice filled with admiration.

Jasveer smiled, a hint of shyness in his eyes. "Do you like it?"

Rohit approached Jasveer slowly, unable to tear his gaze away. "You look more than just beautiful. You look... like a goddess."

Jasveer blushed at the compliment. "Thank you," he murmured softly.

Rohit continued to scan Jasveer from head to toe, his eyes lingering on the elegant saree. "Why the sudden transformation into Jiya?" he asked, curiosity and desire evident in his voice.

Jasveer, now fully embodying Jiya, smiled warmly. "I wanted to do something special for you," she said gently.

Unable to contain his emotions, Rohit pulled Jasveer into a tight embrace. Their lips met in a tender kiss, Rohit's hands gently running down the silk of the saree. Jasveer responded eagerly, his initial hesitation melting away as the kiss deepened. Their tongues met, exploring each other's mouths with a mix of curiosity and desire. Jasveer's heart raced, but he felt a sense of peace and acceptance.

After a moment, Rohit leaned back slightly to gaze into Jasveer's eyes. "I can't believe you did this for me," he whispered.

Jiya smiled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Wait until you see what else I have planned."

Rohit grinned, feeling a surge of excitement. "What do you have in mind?"

Jiya placed a finger on Rohit's lips, teasingly shushing him. "Patience, my dear hubby. Let's have dinner first."

She took the bags from the floor and led him to the kitchen. "Now, sit down and relax. I'm going to make us a wonderful dinner."

Rohit watched as Jiya moved gracefully around the kitchen, preparing the meal with skill and care. The aroma of spices filled the air, and soon, the table was set with a feast fit for royalty.

As they ate, Rohit couldn't take his eyes off Jiya. The saree accentuated her curves, and Rohit found himself mesmerised by every movement Jiya made. The way she handled the utensils, the grace with which she served the food-it all heightened Rohit's desire.

"You look absolutely stunning, Jiya," Rohit whispered, his eyes tracing Jiya's features.

Jiya smiled coyly. "Thank you, Rohit. I'm glad you like it."

"Do you remember that we left something unfinished before I left?" Jiya asked, her voice carrying a hint of playfulness.

Rohit nodded slowly. "Yes, I do."

Jiya continued, her tone more serious now. "While I was in my hometown, I had time to think about everything. I've realised how much you did for me, how you saved my life."

Rohit's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and anticipation. "What are you saying, Jiya?"

Taking a deep breath, Jiya said, "So I've decided that I want to fulfil your wish, to finish what we left in between."

Rohit was silent for a moment, processing Jiya's words. Then, he reached out and took her hand. "Are you sure about this? I don't want you to do anything you're uncomfortable with." his voice filled with concern and desire.

Jiya nodded, her eyes shining with trust and anticipation. "I'm sure. I want to do this for you, Rohit. Not because I feel obligated, but because I want to. You've shown me the depth of your friendship and care, and I want to show you the same."

Hearing this, Rohit leaned closer to Jiya for a kiss. She gently placed a finger on his lips. "Wait for some time, I'm all yours, tonight."

Rohit felt a thrill run through him at Jiya's words. "I can't wait," he replied softly, his hand reaching out to caress Jiya's lips.

Jiya stood up gracefully, taking Rohit's hand in hers. "Come," she said, leading Rohit to the bedroom.

As soon as the doors closed, without a word, Rohit leaned in, capturing Jiya's lips in a tender kiss. Jiya's breath hitched, her hands instinctively wrapping around his neck as she melted into the kiss. Rohit's touch was both gentle and urgent, a mix of the affection and desire he had harboured for so long.

Rohit lifted Jiya effortlessly and placed her on the bed, their kisses growing more passionate. His hands roamed over Jiya's body, exploring the curves and softness beneath the saree. Jiya responded with soft moans, her body arching toward his touch. Each caress sent shivers down her spine, igniting a fire within her.

With a mixture of urgency and tenderness, they began to undress each other. Rohit was swift and assured, removing her saree, blouse, and petticoat with ease. Jiya, now clad only in her bra and panties, felt a surge of shyness and vulnerability. Her cheeks flushed with excitement and apprehension as she lay back on the bed. She managed to unbutton Rohit's shirt, her fingers trembling with anticipation.

Rohit paused to admire her, his eyes filled with desire and tenderness. He leaned in, his hands caressing her gently. "You're so beautiful," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

Jiya shivered under his touch, her body responding to the tenderness and passion in his movements. "Make me yours, Rohit," she whispered, her voice a blend of urgency and desire. Her words ignited something primal in Rohit, and with newfound fervour, he undressed them both completely, revealing their naked forms to each other.

When Jiya saw Rohit's dick size - she got the shock of her life, it was twice what she had imagined. Fear gripped Jiya, her mind racing with the horrifying thought that, how could she handle something that large? Anxiety turned into panic, and Jasveer cursed himself for planning this intimate act.

Knowing she was in no position to back out now, Jasveer gathered all her courage, tried to steady her breathing. Determined to see it through, she chose to go with the flow, believing she could handle it.

Rohit positioned himself above her, their bodies aligning perfectly. As he entered her slowly, Jiya gasped, as he began to push in more deeply, Jiya's fear became reality. She screamed, the pain excruciating, feeling like his body was being torn apart. Tears rolled down his cheeks, she felt helpless, mixed with his regret. The pain was immense, causing him to question every decision that led to this moment. As Rohit paused to let the pain subside, Jasveer tried to steel himself, but the fear lingered, making every moment a struggle between enduring the agony and grappling with his inner turmoil.

Soon, Jiya realised that she couldn't handle the intense pain for much longer. The physical and emotional strain was becoming overwhelming. Her mind raced, urging her to find a way to relieve the growing pain. She felt trapped between her own discomfort and the unspoken promise she had made to Rohit.

Taking a deep breath, she made a decision she never thought she would consider. Her heart pounded as she gently pushed Rohit onto the bed. Rohit looked at her with a mix of surprise and anticipation, unsure of what she intended to do.

Jiya knelt in front of him, her eyes meeting him. She saw his confusion and desire. Her mind begged her to stop, but the hope of relieving the pain and discomfort pushed her forward. She felt disgusted, but she took a deep breath, determined to push through.

With shaky hands, she reached for his penise, feeling the heat of his hard dick against her palm. Her heart raced as she brought her lips closer, every inch a battle against her own hesitations. Finally, she took it into her mouth, the unfamiliar sensation almost overwhelming her.

The taste was sticky as well as salty and the act felt strange, but she pushed through, focusing on the hope of relief. She struggled to find a rhythm, her mind fighting the urge to pull away. But as she continued, a sense of determination settled in.

Rohit's body responded, and his breaths grew heavier. He gently placed a hand on her head, not to force, but to reassure her. The tension in Jiya's body began to ease, knowing she was able to give him such intense pleasure replaced by a strange sense of purpose.

Finally, as Rohit neared his peak, he released his semen right into Jiya's mouth without warning. Jiya was so surprised and felt gross as her mouth filled up with warm, salty liquid. Some even went down his throat by mistake, making him feel even more yucky. When she pulled away, Rohit's semen kept coming out, spraying Jiya's face like water from a hose. It was so embarrassing and gross that Jiya couldn't handle it. Sitting there naked with his friend, his face covered in Rohit's semen, Jiya just started crying, wishing none of it had happened.

Feeling Jiya overwhelmed with shame, Rohit lifted her gently and took her to the bathroom. He helped her wash off all the mess, then comforted her with a warm hug. Then gently stroking his hair, Rohit said, "Jasveer, I know this has been really hard for you. But I want you to know that I'm here for you. You don't have to feel ashamed."

Jiya's voice trembled, "It's just... I never thought I'd be in this situation. I'm feeling too ashamed, I planned only to take your dick in my asshole, but not in the mouth. It's so disgusting."

Rohit's voice was soft and understanding. "I understand. This is hard to digest for you. But maybe, instead of thinking like a boy, you could try embracing the woman inside you. Let that part of you be free, and try to enjoy these moments of intimacy."

Jiya hesitated, her voice barely above a whisper. "Embrace the woman inside me? I don't know if I can do that, Rohit. It all feels... Weird."

Rohit realised he needed to help Jiya feel less ashamed. He gently touched Jiya's small penise, sensing his friend's hesitation. With tender care, he started giving Jiya an amazing handjob right there in the washroom. Jiya's body tensed initially, but as Rohit's stocks grew faster and more loving, Jiya began to feel an intense wave of pleasure, her soft moans filling the washroom.

Jiya's thoughts raced, a mix of confusion and acceptance swirling in his mind. 'This feels so strange, yet somehow right. I think Rohit was right... he truly cares for me, I didn't have to feel ashamed about this.'

As Jiya reached his peak, she felt all his tension melting away. The warmth of Rohit's touch seemed to seep into his very soul.

Overwhelmed by the sensation, Jiya's heart softened. 'I've never felt this close to anyone,' she thought, her emotions swirling as tears welled up in his eyes. Slowly, she began to relax, allowing herself to lean into Rohit's embrace. Jiya closed his eyes, feeling a profound sense of gratitude. 'Thank you, Rohit, for being so understanding,' she thought, letting go of her shame and embracing the love that had carried them through so much.

Afterward, they both returned to bed and lay down side by side, completely naked. Rohit wrapped his arms around Jiya, offering solace, while Jiya remained lost in thought.

Rohit gently brushed Jiya's hair away from her face, his touch light and comforting. "It's normal to feel strange at first. But if you stop thinking about it as a boy, and also stop resisting, you might find that you actually enjoy it. You might even find pleasure in it.

Jiya nodded slightly. "Yes, but it still feels strange."

Rohit caressing her cheek:. "Then we take it slow. We stop if you feel uncomfortable. But I believe in you, Jiya. I believe you can find joy in this, that you can embrace the woman inside you and feel beautiful and loved. Trust me, please."

At that moment, Jiya realised that she didn't have to face her fears alone. With Rohit by her side, she felt a renewed sense of courage and resilience. Jiya knew she was ready to take another chance, trusting in the bond they shared.

Taking a deep breath, Jiya said, "Alright, Rohit. I'll try. But please, be gentle."

Rohit kissed her forehead. "Always. I just want you to feel good and loved."

Rohit gently moved closer, his hands softly caressing Jiya's shoulders and back. He kissed her neck tenderly, taking his time to make her feel comfortable and cherished. Jiya closed her eyes, trying to let go of her fears and embrace the moment.

As Rohit continued to explore her body with his lips and hands, Jiya found herself responding more eagerly. The pleasure began to override her previous discomfort, and she moaned softly as Rohit's lips and hands brought her new sensations.

Rohit whispered, "Just relax, Jiya. Let yourself feel everything. You're beautiful, and you deserve to feel this way."

Jiya's breathing became steady as she felt Rohit's warmth, her body relaxing into his touch. He kissed her lips softly, and this time, Jiya kissed him back, feeling a spark of pleasure.

Jiya softly said, "It's... it's starting to feel good, Rohit."

Rohit smiled. "That's because you're allowing yourself to enjoy it."

Jiya whispered, "Rohit... I think I'm ready. Please, go inside me."

Rohit gently asked, "Are you sure, Jiya?"

Jiya nodded. "Yes. I want to feel this fully. I want to embrace it."

Rohit positioned himself, making sure Jiya was comfortable. He pushed into her slowly, and Jiya gasped at the sensation. But this time, instead of feeling only pain, she felt a mix of pleasure and intimacy. Rohit moved gently, watching her face for any signs of discomfort.

Rohit softly asked, "How are you feeling now, Jiya?"

Jiya breathlessly replied, "It's amazing, Rohit. Please, don't stop."

As Rohit continued, increasing his pace slowly, Jiya starts moaning, she whispered, "Tear me apart, baby. I'm all yours."

Rohit whispered back, "I'll do my best, Jiya."

As Rohit continued, Jiya's body adjusted, and the pain subsided, replaced by growing pleasure. She wrapped her arms around Rohit, pulling him closer. The room was filled with soft moans and whispered names, their passion consuming them both. Jiya's nails dug into Rohit's back, her body arching in pleasure as they moved together. She felt a wave of pleasure wash over her.

Jiya moaned, "Ahhh... Rohit, this feels so right."

After their second round of intimacy, Jiya felt a sense of fulfilment and joy she hadn't experienced before. As she lay in Rohit's arms, she couldn't help but smile.

"Rohit, that was amazing," Jiya said, her voice filled with contentment. "I never thought I could feel this way."

Rohit gently caressed Jiya's cheek. "I'm glad you're happy, Jiya. It means a lot to me."

They talked for a few minutes, sharing their thoughts and feelings. Suddenly, Jiya felt Rohit's arousal against his body, his hardness pressing warmly against him. Jiya looked into Rohit's eyes, a playful glint in his gaze.

"Looks like you're ready for more," Jiya said with a teasing smile.

Rohit chuckled, "It's hard to resist when my hot wife is lying beside me."

Jiya smiled naughtily. "Today, I'll make sure you're completely exhausted."

With that, Jiya knelt down in front of Rohit. This time, it wasn't out of fear or necessity, but because she genuinely wanted to do it.

"Are you sure?" Rohit asked, surprised.

Jasveer nodded confidently. "A wife has no shame in front of her husband. I'll do it even better this time."

Jasveer started giving Rohit a blowjob, using his tongue skillfully and savouring every moment. She enjoyed the act, finding pleasure in pleasing Rohit. As Rohit reached his peak and released, Jiya tried hard to swallow it all, not letting a drop go to waste. But when some fell on her face, she looked up at Rohit and they both laughed out loud, sharing a moment of pure happiness and connection.

They hugged and fell asleep together, fully nude, feeling closer than ever before. The night had transformed their relationship, bringing them to a deeper level of intimacy and understanding.

The next day, they agreed to leave the intimate night behind, returning to their friendship as if Jiya had never existed. They decided to move forward, letting the night fade into the background, and returned to being the close friends they were before.

But the bond they shared, strengthened by their experience, remained unspoken yet deeply felt. Their friendship had evolved, and they both knew that, despite their decision to revert to their old dynamic, their connection would forever be changed.


Anonymous said…
Good story
Anonymous said…
Why no new story?
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