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Showing posts from May, 2024

The Mohit's charm part 4

 As Saturday arrived, Mohit left the office early, excitement bubbling within him. When he reached home, Riya was already waiting with a playful smile and two sarees on the bed. Riya greeted him and ask with smile "Ready, for your big date?" Mohit nodded, feeling his cheeks warm up. "Yeah, but I need your help." "I've got two options for you," she said, holding up a black saree and a red saree. "Which one do you want to wear?" Mohit looked at the sarees, then at Riya. "You choose. Which one do you like?" She took black saree with a sleeveless blouse. "This will look stunning on you," she said, her eyes twinkling with mischief. Mohit nodded. "Black it is then." After freshening up, Mohit began draping the black saree by himself. He had become quite expert at tying sarees, but Riya stepped in for the final adjustments, ensuring the fabric hugged his curves just right." Perfect," Riya said, stepping back t

The Mohit's charm part 3

The drive home was a blur for Mohit. The kiss with Mr. Kapoor weighed heavily on his mind. He knew he needed to tell Riya, but he feared how she would react Mohit went directly into the bedroom, his heartbeats fast, his mind a mix of confusion and guilt. He still felt the taste of Mr. Kapoor's lips and couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal-not just to Riya but to himself. while Riya was working in the kitchen. When she eventually walked in, She found Mohit still draped in the saree, sitting in the bedroom with tears sliding down his cheeks. "Hey, what happened? Why is my princess crying?" she asked gently, sitting beside him and brushing away his tears. "You said you were going to celebrate." Mohit looked at her, his eyes filled with regret. "I'm really sorry, Riya. I messed up again." Riya's concern deepened. "What do you mean, messed up? What happened? Tell me." Mohit took a shaky breath. "Mr. Kapoor kissed me again."

The Mohit's charm part 2

Moving after the workplace scandal involving Mr. Kapoor, Mohit decided to make a fresh start by changing Moving after the workplace scandal involving Mr. Kapoor, Mohit decided to make a fresh start by changing companies. With Riya's unwavering support, he navigated through the job market and landed a promising position in a reputable organization. While portraying Mohini for an extended period, Mohit allowed his hair to grow until his back. Even after joining to new job, he chose to keep his hair long. The love blossomed between them, culminating in a joyous wedding ceremony where they pledged their lives to each other, surrounded by family and friends. As a working couple, Mohit and Riya embraced the challenges and triumphs of balancing their careers with their personal lives. Despite the occasional ups and downs, they found solace in each other's company and built a strong foundation for their future together. One evening as Mohit and Riya enjoyed their intimate moment in the

Camping went wrong

I'm Jitin, 28 years old. I recently married Sweta, who is 27. We both grew up as only children, raised by single mothers from an early age. Growing up in a single-parent household made me somewhat sensitive and submissive, while Sweta turned out to be a tomboy, strong and independent. Physically, we are almost the same height, but I have a more feminine appearance compared to my wife. Our marriage was arranged according to our mothers’ wishes, and we are now navigating this new chapter of our lives together. We live in Pune, while our mothers stay together in the village. We didn't get a chance to go on a honeymoon due to work, so we planned a camping trip instead. My wife, Sweta, and I chose a beautiful site outside Pune, perfect for exploring nature and each other. It was our first adventure as a married couple, and we were eager to create unforgettable memories. Friday evening arrived, and after a hectic day at work, we packed our bags. Shweta chose her favorite outfits: a f